Second Syn2Psy online PhD day

Last week, on September 23rd and 24th, Syn2Psy consortium held its second online PhD day, where the ESRs had the opportunity to present their latest results, ongoing work and to receive feedback from the consortium experts.

During this meeting, Prof. Ana Luísa Carvalho (project coordinator), gave an overview of the project, including the outreach and career development activities ongoing.

We had the pleasure to have the presence of both members of the External Advisory Board (EAB), Prof. Claudia Bagni and Prof. Gavin Rumbaugh, who actively participated in the discussions and provided valuable feedback to the ESRs.

This event was attended by 33 people, including Syn2Psy’s ESRs, PIs, EAB members, partners and the external ethics advisor.

Printscreen during the second Syn2Psy online PhD day

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