Flavio Tomasi seconded to CNC
Flavio Tomasi was seconded to the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology in Coimbra to to evaluate the effects of the pharmacological inhibition of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor using a novel compound on the electrophysiological alterations due to the loss of Shank3, where he spent three months in the lab of João Peça.
Vanesa Salazar seconded to IINS-CNRS
Vanesa Salazar was seconded to the Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience in Bordeaux to investigate the surface dynamics of NMDAR receptors in the areas of interest, such as hippocampus, where she developed her research for three months under the supervision of Laurent Groc.
Loredana Cumpana seconded to CTI
During the months of February and March 2022, Loredana Cumpana performed her (online) secondment with CTI, where she created a literature review based on her PhD project topic: “the effect of central corticotropin-releasing hormone on sleep”, under the supervision of Milene Fernandes and Luís Veloso (CTI).
Vanesa Salazar seconded to CTI
During the months of January and February 2022, Vanesa Salazar carried out her (online) secondment with CTI. During this time, Vanesa worked on a systematic review of the effectiveness of drugs targeting the reward system on people with autism and intellectual disability, under the supervision of Luís Veloso (CTI).
Giuseppe Cammarata seconded to CHUC
Giuseppe Cammarata was seconded to the Specialised Unit for Neurodevelopment and Autism (UNDA) at Coimbra’s University Hospital from November 2021 to January 2022. During this secondment, Giuseppe assisted UNDA’s team in the evaluation of children’s mental health, based on the identification of early manifestations of delayed or deviant neuronal development, under the supervision of Frederico Duque.
Elisa Corti seconded to Lundbeck
During the month of November (2021), Elisa Corti (ESR7) was seconded to Lundbeck in Denmark. During this period, Elisa obtained a detailed overview of the pre-clinical technologies used at Lundbeck to develop of novel therapeutics. Elisa focused on in vivo calcium imaging withminiscopes, EEG and single-unit recordings in awake freely moving rodents.